Rules & Safety

Rules can vary on different sites as we get different instructions from the land owners but here are our main rules. You can also prefill out our membership form if you wish which is located HERE.

Check in at all events is between 9am and 1pm. Site is open until 4pm.

COMPULSORY – these are checked at scrutineering and enforced throughout the day

DO AS DIRECTED BY TV4x4 (MARSHALS) – however much you disagree they are there for your safety. Abuse of marshals will not be tolerated and you will be removed from site. Marshals can be identified wearing either blue hi-vis or Grey “TV4x4” hoodies.

SEAT BELTS AT ALL TIMES – all occupants must be seated and belted. First time caught you will be warned, second time you will be removed from site as you invalidate our insurance which is there to protect everyone.

NO KINETIC ROPES TO BE USED AT ANY TIME – we have seen them do serious damage.

STRONG RECOVERY POINT AT LEAST ON THE REAR – to prevent damage to your vehicle and for the safety of the vehicle recovering you.

NO LOOSE ITEMS IN YOUR VEHICLE – secure all items in your vehicle – a shoe when it hits you on the head can distract you enough to roll, a bottle jack can kill.

SECURE YOUR BATTERY – you will not be allowed on site unless your battery is securely clamped to the vehicle & terminals insulated. A loose battery can short out and cause a fire, not good if you are stuck in your vehicle. This rule also applies to fuel tanks.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER – fixed somewhere accessible in case of an emergency.

10MPH SPEED LIMIT – on site at all times.

WINCHING – NO WIRE ROPES ALLOWED ON ANY SITES. Winch blankets to be used during any winching. Remove all passengers from the vehicle either when winching or being winched and ensure they are in a place of safety before operating.

TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME – the marshals do not enjoy cleaning the site at the end of the day so we can all attend in the future – they are not volunteer litter pickers. We have 2 hours of work to do after everyone leaves anyway!

DRIVERS SIGN IN – All drivers must sign in and wear their wrist band at all times. Passengers that also wish to drive at any point must also sign in and wear their wrist band. All drivers must hold a valid driving license.

DRUGS & ALCOHOL – No driving permitted while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are on prescription drugs then please make us aware at driver sign in or contact prior to the event to find out if you are allowed to drive.

SMOKING – No smoking in vehicles where children under the age of 18 are present. Also, MOD sites are now completely smoke-free. This means no smoking at all while on site. Please ask Marshals what to do with regards to smoking on these sites if you are unsure.

NO MOT OR TAX? – This is not a problem. Use some common sense and as long as you comply with the above you are welcome to join us at our events. Any trailered vehicles must be dedicated/prepared for off road use and well-kept with a minimum all terrain tyres.

UNWANTED BEHAVIOUR – Any vehicle being trashed deliberately on site will result in the driver being permanently removed from our membership. Any abuse to any of our marshals from any driver or passengers will also result in a lifetime exclusion for that responsible member and passenger where the passenger is the one causing the issue. As a member it is your responsibility to control your passengers.


STROPS & SHACKLES – These are fairly standard kit for most of us. If you don’t know how to use them then please ask a marshal who will be happy to help.

WINCHES – Common place on a lot of vehicle but can be dangerous if not used correctly. Please check with a marshal if you are in doubt or just want some training. We use them a lot and have been trained to operate them safely. If you are around someone winching it is always good practice to stand well clear and behind some big trees if possible. Do not stand behind the vehicle winching or the vehicle being recovered – you will be in a danger area.

JET WASH – Please bring enough water to clean off your brakes, lights and windows. We have a jet wash but cannot carry enough water to clean every vehicle. 20 liters will normally suffice.

HI-VIZ – Please wear yellow hi viz only to differentiate from our trained marshals. No person accept a TV 4×4 official marshal is allowed to wear a marshal vest pertaining to any other club at our events, you may have been trained but not by us so we have no knowledge of your skills or lack of. Our marshals wear blue hi-viz vests for ease of identification. We recommend any person under 12s wear a hi-vis when not in a vehicle.


GIVE WAY TO OTHERS – They may not have seen you or may not be able to see you. We all get muddy windows or negotiate a steep hill where you can’t always see who is coming.

KEEP YOUR DISTANCE – those brakes aren’t as good on sand or full of mud.

BEWARE CHILDREN AND SPECTATORS – they may not be aware of the dangers of being too close to a recovery or a moving vehicle. Advise them to move to a safer vantage point if necessary.

Children are the responsibility of the parents or guardians on the day. At any time they leave the vehicle they are required to wear a hi-viz vest.

Children are required to exit all vehicles before a vehicle recovery is to take place.


TAPED OFF AREAS – Do not enter taped off areas. Taped off areas are taped off for a reason which is usually for safety reasons or as depicted by the land owner. If we want to come back to these sites we have to respect these limits.

DOGS – Keep all animals under control, all dogs must be on a lead at all times.

BIKES & QUADS – No bikes or quads, i’m sorry but we do not accept motorbikes or quads of any kind at our events. If you need confirmation then feel free to ask.

ALCOHOL / DRUGS – No alcohol or drugs to be consumed prior to entry on site or on site unless prescribed by a doctor. It is your responsibility to check if it is ok to drive on prescribed drugs prior to attending site. If in doubt please ask on arrival but we may not know the answer.

NEW TRACKS – No new tracks are to be cut by anyone unless advised to do so by a Marshal. If in doubt then ask. We want you to have fun in a way that will enable you and us to be allowed back on site again.